About Us

Polish & Beauty Expo is an annual US event starting in 2020 to provide in person connections for indie nail polish and beauty makers with customers and fans.  Organized by KBShimmer owner, Christy Rose, PBE is a showcase for nail polish and beauty vendors from across the world.  This 2 day event offers shopping, learning, and the opportunity to connect with brands and other polish fans.


Christy Rose has been the owner and head sparkle guru at KBShimmer since 2008.  A University of Minnesota graduate, Christy heads a team of 6 employees, including her husband Jason.  Christy and Jason live in Indiana with their daughter and cats.

30+ Vendors

Vendors from all over will showcase hundreds of products for your shopping pleasure.

Fun Locations

Polish & Beauty Expo chooses locations that offer many fun activities for both attendees and their families.

Why Attend?

Polish & Beauty Expo is the ideal event for those that love unique and special beauty products.  From nail polish, to scrubs and lotions, to home fragrance and beauty room accessories, PBE has something for every attendee. 

Event Vendors


Christy Rose

Glitter Unique

Nikki & Brian Naumann

1422 Designs

Bonnie Sytsma

Alchemy Lacquers

Rebecca Schachter

Atomic Polish

Stacey Matern

Beaux Rêves Lacquer

Sarah Bleything

Bluebird Lacquer

Loucie Paskiewicz

Botanique by Monae

Kenyae Gusta

By Dany Vianna

Daniela Costa e Silva Vianna

Bygone Apothecary

Cassie Sweeten


Celita Lockhart

Clionadh Cosmetics

Leigh Cavanaugh & Maggie Cavanaugh

Colores de Carol

Carolina Garcia

Copacetic Cosmetics

Olivia Trujillo

Crystal Knockout

Candace Greggs-Gardner

Cupcake Polish

Sara Casey


Amanda Bustamante

Dam Nail Polish

Angie Dam

Garden Path Lacquers

Karen Sloan

Glisten & Glow

Jill Rehm

Jen & Berries

Jenny Locicero

Kathleen & Co.

Mia McNeal

Krisable Designs

Kristine Van De Munt

Lurid Lacquer

Karen Cralli


Jennalyn Miller

Monarch Lacquer

Adrienne Awad

Penélope Luz Indie Brand

Luciana Franco

PI Colors

Trish Robal

Pinnacle Polish

Liz Lampson

Polish Pickup

A community effort, organized by Adrienne Awad & Sarah Holmgren

Red Eyed Lacquer

Bianca Chapman

Rogue Lacquer

Rachel Wraith

Ruby Lee

Jill Miller

Sassy Sauce Polish

Carrie Duffy

Swamp Gloss

Katie Yazbeck

Sweet & Sour Lacquer

Darlene Cavazos

Victorian Varnish

Tammy Childers

Waabooz Cosmetics

Alicia De La Cruz

Zombie Claw

Sabrina Berg

Get Your Tickets!

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